Casio FX-603P


A FX-603P in working condition
Type Programmable Scientific
Manufacturer Casio
Introduced 1990
Entry mode Infix
Precision 12 digits mantissa, ±99 exponent
Display Type LCD Dot-matrix
Display Size 2×16 Character
Programming language(s) Keystroke (fully merged, Turing complete)
Memory Register 110
Program Steps 6'144
Ports one vendor specific
Power supply 2×"CR-2032" Lithium + 1×"CR-2032" Lithium
Weight 141g, 5 oz
Dimensions 15.24x7,6x1.2 cm, 6"×3"×½"

The FX-603P was a programmable calculator, manufactured by CASIO from 1990. It was the successor model to the Casio FX-602P.



The FX-603P featured a two line dot matrix display with 16 characters each as main display. An additional 4 digits 7-segment display used to display the program step when entering or debugging programs and 20 status indicators.


The programming model employed was key stroke programming by which each key pressed was recorded and later played back. On record multiple key presses where merged into in a single programming step. There were only a very few operations which needed two bytes[1].

The FX-603P could store 6,144 steps. Data could be stored in 110 memory register. The FX-603P series supported 20 labels for programs and subroutines called P0 .. P19 - twice the amount of the predecessor models. Each program or subroutine could have up to 10 local labels called LBL0 .. LBL9 for jumps and branches.

The FX-603P supported indirect addressing both for memory access and jumps and therefore programming model could be considered Turing complete.

The FX-603P was upward compatible to the FX-602P could load FX-602P programs from Compact Cassette.

Programming example

Here is a sample program that computes the factorial of an integer number from 2 to 69. For 5!, you'll type 5 P0 and get the result, 120. With the additional alpha output the program is 14 byte long.

Key-code        Comment

P0             You'll call the program with the P0 key
"#!="          output "n!=" in first row of display. Result will be shown in 2nd line
Min00          stores the value in register 0
1              starts with 1
LBL0           label for the loop
*              multiply
MR00           by n
DSZ GOTO0      décrements M00 and back to LBL0 until M00=0
=              end of loop, the machine has calculated 1*n*(n-1)*...2*1=n!


The FX-603P used the same FA-6 interface as used by the Casio FX-850P / Casio FX-880P line of calculators. This interface features a Kansas City standard Compact Cassette interface, a Centronics printer port and a RS-232 interface.


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